Series Roller Compactor

Model: LG


LG Series Roller Compactor is a new-type high efficient granulating equipment, and is widely used in pharmaceutical industry, chemical, foodstuff industry, agricultural feed, fertilize and, other powder-processing industry. Based on many advantages, it’s essential for variable active drug production in pharmaceutical industry, especially for thermosensitive and humidity sensitive drugs.


Charge mixing dry materials by pharma lifter (pneumatic or mechanical) to upper hopper, and transport to pressure chamber by helical conveyor. After extrusion of two high pressure, high density lamina generates and being cut into pieces through cut system, finally via two grade milling system to get required granules and granulating process finished.


This equipment is successfully designed on the basis of a wide research, absorption and digestion of foreign advanced technology. The equipment is designed with two separate part, main frame and  working portion. All material contact part is convenient to dismantle for cleaning. Various advanced technology application greatly improve material processing scope and particles quality. With the application of various automatic control technology, production automation increased. Meanwhile, dust and cross contamination are effectively controlled, also measure of reducing Purification area are took. This equipment comply entirely with GMP requirements for medicine production.